Wyden to Hold Town Hall in Heppner


U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden will hold three town halls on May 29-30 in Oregon.

These three town halls in Wheeler, Morrow and Wallowa counties will increase to 732 the number of town halls Wyden has held throughout Oregon.

Wyden will hold a town hall meeting at the Heppner City Hall at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 29.

He pledged when he was elected in 1996 to the Senate that he would hold an annual town hall in each of Oregon’s 36 counties.

“It is a tremendous honor to represent Oregon in the United States Senate,” Wyden said. “As long as I have this honor, I am going to throw the doors open in every county to hear Oregonians’ ideas. That’s the way it is supposed to work in our democracy—people speaking their minds and asking questions of their elected officials.”