2 Men Face Drug, Trespassing Charges


Hermiston police arrested two men on drug and criminal trespass charges following an incident at the Agape House.

On March 7 at around 10 p.m., officers discovered Hermiston transient Stacey E. Kirby, 27, and Orin A. Whitbeck, 49, of 74587 McCall Lane, Irrigon, rummaging through containers behind the Agape House at 500 W. Harper Road.

Kirby and Whitbeck were both charged with unlawful possession of meth and second-degree criminal trespass. Whitbeck was lodged at the Umatilla County Jail on a Benton County, Washington arrest warrant.

“Having launched our trespass enforcement program a mere eight days ago, this is a great example highlighting the lawful authority of our officers to take people into custody for being on commercial property after normal business hours,” said Hermiston Police Chief Jason Edmiston. “The Agape House is one of only five businesses (so far) to partner with us on this program.  I am optimistic we will experience many more businesses within our jurisdiction that would like to join this worthy endeavor.”

Click here for more information about the Trespass Enforcement Program.