Committee Pulls Plug on 2016 Landing Days

Landing Days Volunteers
A lack of volunteers has led to the decision to cancel the 2016 Umatilla Landing Days.

[quote style=”2″]Fireworks Show Will Go On As Usual[/quote]

Fireworks will explode over the Columbia River this June, but the show will be the only part of Umatilla Landing Days to take place in 2016.

Umatilla Chamber of Commerce Director Karen Hutchinson-Talaski made that announcement Tuesday during a city council meeting.

“We just didn’t get the volunteers we needed last year,” she said. “At the last (chamber) board meeting, it was decided we would at least have fireworks.”

Hutchinson-Talaski and members of the council stressed the event could return in 2017 if the project can draw more volunteers. Councilman Roak Ten Eyck, also a member of the chamber board, said the board “labored” over the decision.

“We felt it was important to have a showing, and everyone loves the fireworks,” he said. “We’ve had the same group of volunteers that have, for years, been making this happen, and they’re tired. To make it (Landing Days) come back, we’re going to need some people to raise their hands.”

The Landing Days cancellation and fireworks announcement was one of two chamber pieces at Tuesday’s Umatilla City Council meeting. During that meeting, the council approved a $2,600 grant from for the chamber from the Transient Room Tax Fund. Money raised in that tax, collected from hotel and RV park stays, must go primarily to tourism-related endeavors. The chamber grant will go toward operations of the chamber building, which also serves as the city’s visitor center.

Councilwoman Mary Dedrick spoke out about the chamber offering more business recruitment and retention services in the community and less focus on tourism. Hutchinson-Talaski said the chamber does host business events and promotions for chamber members but does not have the training or ability to bring in businesses on its own.

“I think the city and the chamber need to work together to bring businesses in,” Hutchinson-Talaski said. “I understand what you’re saying, and I agree with you.”

During the meeting, the council also granted the Umatilla Museum $7,000 during the meeting. The bulk of the grant will go toward repair work on a wall that is separating from the building and to install new steps to the basement.

“We have a great deal of appreciation for the city,” Museum representative Larry Nelson said. “This is needed.”