City to Resurface Portion of E. Quince Avenue

E. Quince Resurfacing
After two treatments of slurry seal failed on a stretch of E. Quince Avenue, the Hermiston Street Department will go ahead and resurface the street from N.E. Seventh to N.E. Ninth Streets.

The Hermiston Street Department will soon begin work on resurfacing a two-block section of E. Quince Avenue.

The city received three bids for the project and the Hermiston City Council voted this week to accept the low bid of $65,156.25 from Granite Construction, a local company. Two other bids came in – $73,075 from Central Washington Asphalt, and $92,825 from Oregon Mainline Paving.

The project will grind out and inlay approximately 4,225 square yards of two-inch asphalt on E. Quince Avenue from N.E. Seventh Street to N.E. Ninth Street.

“The street is falling apart and has had two treatments of slurry seal and both have failed due to the condition of the asphalt under them,” said Hermiston Street Superintendent Ron Sivey in a memo to the city manager, mayor and council.

Sivey said the project will be funded by Street Maintenance dollars that will be reimbursed by federal exchange money the city will apply for later this year.

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