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Home Tags Boardman City Council

Tag: Boardman City Council

Boardman Council to Hold Work Session Prior to Tueday Meeting

The Boardman City Council will hold a work session and a meeting of the Urban Renewal Agency prior to its regular meeting on Tuesday,...

City of Boardman Seeks Applicants to Fill Planning Commission Seat

The city of Boardman is looking for interested individuals to fill an open spot on the Planning Commission. Interested individuals must live in the 97818 Zip Code or within...

Boardman City Council to Hold Work Session, Council Meeting on July...

The Boardman City Council will hold a workshop on Tuesday, July 2, prior to its regular council meeting. The workshop will include discussions on mailboxes,...

Boardman City Council Approves Garbage Rate Increase

The Boardman City Council voted to increase garbage rates at its June 4 meeting. Kevin Miracle of Sanitation Disposal requested the rate increase from the...

Boardman Council to Hold Budget Hearing, Discuss Garbage Rate Hike

The Boardman City Council will hold a hearing on Tuesday, June 4 for its 2024-25 budget as well as discuss a garbage rate increase. Other...

Boardman Council to Hold Supplemental Budget Hearing

The Boardman City Council will hold a hearing on its 2023-24 supplemental budget at its May 7 meeting. The council will also hear presentations from...

Boardman Council to Hold Work Session, Meeting on Tuesday

The Boardman City Council will hold a work session and regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 6. The work session begins at 6 p.m. with the...

Boardman Council Meets Tonight

The Boardman City Council will elect a new council president tonight at its first meeting of the new year. The c9ouncil will also hold a...

Boardman City Council Names 4 Finalists in City Motto Contest

The Boardman City Council has announced the four finalists in the City Motto Contest. In an effort to promote community interest in activities happening in the city,...

Boardman Council Appoints Carbray, Landstrom to Planning Commission

The Boardman City Council appointed Jami Carbray and David Landstrom to fill vacancies on the Boardman Planning Commission during its Nov. 7 meeting. Carbray will...

Boardman Council Declares More Than 300 Acres as Surplus Property

The Boardman City Council declared surplus real property of approximately 307 acres located on Tower Road for future development. The council also heard from a...

Boardman City Council to Declare Real Property as Surplus

The Boardman City Council will consider a resolution on Tuesday to declare real property as surplus. Prior to considering the resolution, the council will hold...

Boardman Council, Mayor, City Staff to Hold Planning Session on Nov....

The Boardman City Council, mayor and staff will hold a planning session on Wednesday, Nov. 1 at Boardman City Hall. The session will take place...

Boardman Seeks Applicants to Fill Vacant Planning Commission Seat

The city of Boardman is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on the Boardman Planning Commission. Applicants must live within the Boardman city limits or...

Boardman Seeks Applicants to Fill Vacant Planning Commission Seat

The city of Boardman is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on the Boardman Planning Commission. Applicants must live within the Boardman city limits or...

Morrow County Municipalities to Hold Joint Meeting on Sept. 20

A joint meeting of the Boardman City Council, the Morrow County Commissioners and the Port of Morrow Commission will be held Wednesday, Sept. 20. The...

Boardman City Council Approves North Urban Renewal District

The Boardman City Council on Tuesday approved the ordinance to form the North Urban Renewal District on the north side of Boardman which will...

City of Boardman Seeks Applicants for Vacant City Council Seat

The Boardman City Council is seeking letters of interest from individuals willing to be considered for appointment to fill a vacancy on the council. The...

City of Boardman Moves Forward with Urban Renewal District Proposal

The Boardman City Council voted to approve the first reading of an ordinance to form a new urban renewal district on the north side of...

Boardman City Council Re-Schedules July 4 Meeting to July 11

The Boardman City Council has re-schedued its July 4 meeting to Tuesday, July 11 due to the Independence Day holiday. This meeting will be held...

