Umatilla Ponders Dropping Mail Boxes


The city of Umatilla will research replacing individual mailboxes with centralized units across the city.

Tuesday night, Robin Kasiska, postmaster for the Umatilla Post Office, approached the council with a proposal to install Centralized Box Units – dubbed CBUs – across the city. The move, Kasiska said, would provided increased security and improved appearance of mail delivery in Umatilla.

Kasiska pointed to mail thefts in the fall and winter as a reason for the change.

The city agreed to move forward with a survey about resident opinions and feasibility of the proposal. The postal service delivers to about 220 locations in South Hill, 500 in McNary, and 170 in downtown and Power City.

Kasiska added the decisions would have to be made on a neighborhood or city-wide basis.

“We can’t have mailboxes jack-potted between CBUs. It has to be all or nothing,” he said.

Kasiska also added any new construction in the city that includes more than five units – such as apartments or subdivisions – is already required to install centralized box units.

Although the Postal Service would handle replacing damaged boxes and general upkeep, the city would have to front the cost of the boxes: up to $1,350 per unit. City Manager Bob Ward said supplying CBUs for the entire city could cost about $68,000 – not including any bulk discounts.

Each unit would serve 16 homes, so boxes would be spaced out in the neighborhood.

“I don’t want to walk and walk for my mail,” councilman George Fenton said. “I have to walk across the street now. I don’t want to walk any further.”

The council voted 4-1 to allow city staff to research the idea. Fenton voted against.