Umatilla School District to Lease Senior Center

Umatilla Senior Center
The Umatilla School District has agreed to take over the management of the city's senior center.

Beginning next week, the Umatilla School District will take over management of the Umatilla Senior Center and work toward re-inventing the space as a community center.

The senior center closed its doors last year after ongoing financial constraints, and the property reverted back to the city of Umatilla. The city then began looking into nonprofit options to bring back the senior activities, including the weekly senior lunches.

Umatilla School District Superintendent Heidi Sipe contacted the city to discuss meal options for Umatilla’s senior citizens.

“It just started with a phone call because I didn’t like the idea of our seniors not having a place for lunch,” Sipe said. “The city countered with the lease offer, and we’re very grateful they are being so generous with the opportunity.”

The school district will officially take over management of the center on July 1.

Friday senior lunches will resume with the 2014-15 school year. The meals will be prepared by the district’s nutrition staff, which already oversees lunches at the three district schools.

The community center will also host parenting classes.

In the 2015-16 school year, the community center will also serve as the base for the district’s preschool program, which will remain at McNary Heights Elementary during the 2014-15 school year. The move will allow the district to free up space at McNary for the state-mandated full-day kindergarten.

“The timing works out great for us, and I think this is a win-win for the community,” Sipe said.

Umatilla City Manager Bob Ward agreed.

“I think the senior center is a great opportunity for the community, and the school district is set up to take that over,” he said. “I think that there will be good response from the community.”

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