Parading Through Town
Parade Signals Start of Umatilla County Fair Week
Just after 6:30 p.m., the first entrant in the 2013 Umatilla County Fair Parade made its way...
How to Succeed in Business
But You Really Do Have to Try - And the Chamber Is Here to Help
Every single business owner, regardless of what product or service...
Big Prize Money, Big Fun set for Farm-City
With a total payoff expected to exceed $200,000, there will be a lot at stake for the contestants at next week’s Farm-City Pro Rodeo...
Cayuse Technologies Celebrates Tribal Diversity
Drum beats echoed through the halls of recently in “song and ceremony” to honor tribal heritage. Staff celebrated with a tribal flag ceremony...
Get to Know the 2013 County Fair Ambassadors
The Umatilla County Fair kicks off in less than two weeks, so let’s take a moment to get to know this year’s Umatilla County...
City Crew Replacing Water Valves on Orchard
The water department crew for the city of Hermiston is busy replacing water valves along Orchard Avenue.
Roy Bicknell, water superintendent for the city of...
City's Dispatch Center Could Consolidate with County
If the City Council gives its approval at its Aug. 12 meeting, the Hermiston emergency dispatch service will consolidate with Umatilla County’s dispatch service...
TRCI Getting Back to Normal After Chickenpox Cases
For most of us, “chickenpox” conjures images of red, itchy blisters, oatmeal baths and vaccinations.
For the staff at Two Rivers Correctional Institution, however, chickenpox...
Turns Out Paul McCartney Has Written a Few Songs
Time to break out the running diary of the Kane family’s trip to Seattle to see Paul McCartney at Safeco Field on Friday (with...
Group Proposes Family Cultural Center in Hermiston
A group of community members are in the early planning stages for a Family Cultural Center in Hermiston. The goal is to provide a...
Photos Tell Story of Hermiston During WWII
The Library of Congress is one of the two largest libraries in the world (the other being The British Library). Its possessions include...
Looking For a Blast From the Past?
A Friendly Guide to Buying a Classic Car
It’s a simple equation, really: X + Y = Z.
In this case, X is that certain age...
Both Sides of Coal Project Issue Make Their Case
One-hundred and fifty people signed up to speak in Hermiston at Tuesday’s hearing before the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality on a coal export...
Ordinance Could Put Damper on Smoke City
Smoke City has been in business in Hermiston for about a year. After Monday night’s Hermiston City Council meeting, however, it’s unclear how much...
A Big-Time Fourth of July Celebration
America turned 237 on Thursday and towns around Eastern Oregon played host to the big event.
In Hermiston, an all-day patriotic birthday bash was held...
Cities Offer Meals for Children and Adults
Fifty-eight children and eight adults enjoyed chili, cornbread, ice cream and a salad bar Thursday night at Umatilla High School.
For the kids, the meal...
Bike Program Gives Kids New-Found Independence
Most of us learn to ride a bike around age 5 or 6. It’s a rite of passage in early childhood that represents no...
Umatilla Program Offers Educational Summer Fun
The sun was shining, but a chill hung in the air inside Tamástslikt Cultural Institute on Tuesday as students huddled around an electronic campfire...
Tall Ships Pass Through McNary Dam
The Lady Washington and the Hawaiian Chieftain made their way through McNary Dam Tuesday afternoon on their way to an overnight stay at the...