Tag: Byron Smith
Municipal Court Will Handle Most Serious Misdemeanors Once More
For the first time in nearly a decade, A misdemeanor cases will be prosecuted in Hermiston Municipal Court.
The Hermiston City Council voted unanimously on...
Town Hall Gives Public Chance to Offer Input on Hermiston’s...
For the past six months, the Hermiston City Council has been going over each departmental budget to find a way to close a $902,000...
Budget Town Hall, Survey Offers Opportunity for Public Engagement
The city of Hermiston will host a Town Hall meeting today, Nov. 27 to share information about options to amend the city budget in...
Hermiston to Give Citizens Input on How to Close Budget Gap
The citizens of Hermiston will have their say on the city’s budget during a town hall meeting on Nov. 27.
During a work session Monday...
Hermiston Nonprofits Make Their Pitch at Inaugural Volunteer Fair
Tuesday afternoon at the Hermiston Community Center was the very picture of connecting and networking as nonprofits, service clubs and would-be volunteers gathered for...
Council Makes Amendments to Homeless Camping Ordinance
The Hermiston City Council made some clarifications to an ordinance passed last month addressing homeless camps within the city limits.
The clarifications deal primarily with...
Survey Shows Most Satisfied with Life in Hermiston, But Concerns Exist
Sixty-seven percent of residents are satisfied with life in Hermiston, according to the results of a community survey.
The survey, conducted by Zencity, was presented...
Hermiston Council Passes Ordinance Addressing Homeless Camps
Many people walking or driving around Hermiston have noticed the increase in the number of homeless people camping in city parks and other public...
Hermiston Considering Additional Sources to Raise Revenue
With the city wanting to add police officers while facing a budget shortfall, the Hermiston City Council held a work session on Monday to...
EOTEC to Get New Logo as Part of Rebranding Effort by...
The Eastern Oregon Trade & Event Center will get a new logo as part of the re-branding effort by the city of Hermiston.
The Hermiston...
City’s IT Department Keeps Busy Servicing Outside Entities
Over the past year, the city of Hermiston has been taking on a side gig - providing IT services to neighboring cities and organizations.
Capital Investments Behind Hermiston’s Bigger 2023-24 Budget
The Hermiston City Council on Monday approved what the city manager called “the most unique” budget he’s ever presented to the city.
One of the...
Homeless Shelter One Step Closer to Receiving $1 Million from State
The proposed temporary homeless shelter on N. Highway 395 is on track to meet its deadline for approving a strategic plan – a requirement...
Hermiston City Council Offers Feedback on Project PATH
The Hermiston City Council provided feedback Monday night on the strategic plan for Project PATH, the temporary homeless shelter.
City Manager Byron Smith said one...
Hermiston Council Approves Plan to Create Adopt-a-Street Program
The Hermiston City Council on Monday voted to partner with the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce to create an Adopt-a-Street program.
The program encourages community members...
Ian & Lyndsay Murdock Named Umatilla County Fair Grand Marshals
Everyone who took the stage at the Umatilla County Fair Appreciation Dinner expressed their gratitude for the hard work others have done. Even award...
Local Officials Talk Legislative Priorities in Salem with Rep. Smith
Oregon State Rep. Greg Smith (R-Heppner) celebrated City Day at the Capitol on Wednesday with several local officials.
Each legislative session the League of Oregon...
Martin Luther King’s Movement ‘Still Bears Fruit’ 55 Years After His...
More than five decades after his death, Martin Luther King Jr. continues to inspire new generations of citizens to make a positive change in...
‘Gem’ Known as Hermiston Recently Featured in Business View Magazine
“A gem within a state renowned for its natural beauty.”
That’s how the city of Hermiston is described in a recent feature in Business View...
Council Votes in Favor of Housing, Homeless Shelter & HEROS
The Hermiston City Council had a short, but impactful meeting Monday night with votes that will affect housing availability, the homeless, as well as...